When we review airplanes, we look at four factors: Price: 10 , Quality: 10 , Accuracy: 10, and Livery: 10. The
Final Score total is 40. Listed below are some of factors that play a role in the score.
Price: PRICING VARIES- The pricing is from my prospective when purchasing the aircraft, it could be a great price or a
total rip-off. The model could've been bought on release, could've been bought on eBay. Many planes these days are inflated due to rarity and limited production. Have they gone up in price or
lost value?
Quality: It comes down to the mould of the aircraft from the manufacturer. When looking at quality, this goes down to
whether the build quality is good, the decals are on correctly, the landing gears are straight, and the wingets are still attached.
Livery and Accuracy: Model vs. Real World: This really goes down to if it's as real deal as it gets. Is detailing just right? Are there details
missing? When reviewing Livery, does it stand out? Does it serve a purpose? Is it average? Bland? or Ugly? Is it like the real